MASSIVE CHANGES MOOTED FOR THE CAPITAL HASH Our benevolent dictator, FRIZZY LIZZIE has decreed that certain verses of the Hare song will no longer be tolerated under the FRIZZYITE military Junta. Rise up fellows hashers, rise up against the tyranny of Lizzydom. Why cant we have songs which contain the words "Italian and Stallion", "Minor and Vagina", and my personal favorite "Brontosaurus and Clitaurus" Whats so wrong with WEATHERMANs tortured renditions and tragic attempted rhythms. Where else can you go on a monday night and hear attempts to rhyme completely incompatable words such as "Daugther and Oorta" Next thing you know she will be turning off our access to power and water and tinkering with our freedom of speech. Anyhow, apparently there was a run in Franklin on Monday night set by a chap named McTrash (no relation). The well marked run and adjacent walk took in all the important landmarks of this fine young suburb": Woolies, the Tram works, all the McMansions own by hungover tradies and Indian Uber drivers. The run was roundly condemned for having too many Halts, too many checks and a Drink Stop countdown over 5kms. The venue was nice and warm, but that was just a side effect of the available oxygen being fought over by 30 odd hashers. GERBILS copped a flogging as usual, CRASH and BURN didnt say "Cock" once, we welcomed visitors: TOO KEEN, DUMBLEDORE and NASTY BASTARD. The five cent pieces were produced by the million for the upcoming charity event which SQUATTER is oblivious about. POP TART didnt spit the dummy once. The FRB was given to SCARLETT. The dummy spit award was given in perpetuum to POP TART. TRASH received the PPP award (Plenty of Pulitzer prizes?) and Cracker of the week was passed around We all marvelled at MIXOs new velocipede. Congratulations to POP TART for achieving the lofty heights of GRAND MATTRESS of the Harriets Good luck to FRIZZY and the five cent piece Tsunami Thanks to Betty Boop for top nosh ON ON to DUCKHEADs at MELBA